published stories

Vol. 1 Brooklyn, “I Am To Juice What Mozart Is To Music” (June 2018)

The Arkansas International, “Back to School” (Spring 2018)

The Normal School, “Lloyd Dennison, Greatest Living Dead Man In Show Business” (November 2017)

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, “An Obstruction To Delivery” (July/August 2017)

Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, “Miraculously, He Escapes” (May 2017)

Quarter After Eight, “Sex With Ghosts In Space” (February 2017)

Bennington Review, “Chalk” (November 2016)

Day One, “Grand Opening” (February 2017), “Sandwiches For Steve” (March 2014; republished in Day One, Year One: Best New Stories and Poems, 2014)

Storychord, “Issues Concerning Death And Grieving During The Emotional Conservation Era In Fuhd, Washington” (January 2014)

Mid-American Review, “Miraculously, He Escapes” (Fall 2012)

Hayden’s Ferry Review, “Floating Away, The Baron Confesses” (Fall/Winter 2011-12)

Hobart, “Doorless Dispatches” (April 2011)